This article will give you an overview on how to navigate the 'Arrears' process and use this section.

To access Arrears you will need to go to your block and then select the left-hand menu: Accounts/Arrears.

When you access this section you will see four tabs: Process Not Started, Arrears Due, Arrears In Progress and Settled. The tabs are responsible for the different status of your arrears process and therefore you can trigger specific actions in each of them. You will find a detailed description for each of them below.

1. Process Not Started. In this tab, you can see the current status of all arrears per category for each and every Leaseholder. The most important columns on the list below are the Current Amount and Category Name columns. The following example shows you that Mr James Kent is £1500 in arrears for Rent.

Other columns (Initial Amount, Due Date and Step Name) are left at zero or empty as these tabs contain records for which the process has not been started. Using buttons in the Actions column you can either access the property in question (the one with the 'house' icon) or you can start the process by sending the First Letter (the icon with the 'paper plane'). Each step consists of an email message, a document (most often a letter) and a task. You can find out how to design your own process in the Arrears Workflow article.

2. Arrears Due. In this tab, you'll see Debtors who have already received letter/s from you and whose deadline to respond or pay has passed. This section shows you when the next step is due for all listed people and allows you to trigger it with the white 'paper plane' icon.

In the example above you can see the Initial Debt, when the next step is due and their current status. You can now check the details of your process. Access it by using the 'eye' icon. If you would like to learn more about this section please go to the Arrears - in details article.

3. Arrears In Progress. Here you will see details regarding any Debtors to whom you have sent letters. These are still within their deadline. Because the next step is not yet due, there is no button for triggering the next step directly from here. You can always access your process details with the 'eye' icon and do it from there.

4. Settled. The end tab gives you information about any arrears you have settled. From here you can either access the actual property or the process details. Although you can access the process details, you will not be able to do anything beyond deleting the record or downloading all previously sent documents and messages.

5. The final option in this section is triggering multiple steps at once using the option 'Send Multiple Letters' in More Actions.

After selecting this option you get a pop up with a list of all possible steps/letters to send. You can tick those you want to send letters to and then click 'Create/Send Letters'.

Next, the download icon will appear next to each of the selected steps. It will allow you to download generated documents ready for printing at a later stage.