This article highlights all updates to the navigation structure introduced with the Estate release on the 22nd of June.

Your starting point will still be the Search Menu in the top left corner. You can either use it to search for a specific item using the left-hand side submenu or access the list of all items using the heading on the main page. Headings replaces the '3 dots' buttons we had under each section.

After selecting anything from the search menu (in our example a contact who is a Leaseholder)  the Main menu on your left-hand side will show you the hierarchy of that item. In our example we can see (and quickly access)the unit this person owns, the block in which this unit belongs and also the RTM/Client linked to that block.

If we decide to move into the Block level then the Leaseholder and Unit will still remain on the list until we select something from the submenu of the Block. Once we choose something from the Block submenu they will be de-selected.

Each item on the main list will have its own submenu. The top of the submenu will show general information sections. In case of a Block, it would be: Block Dashboard, Block Details and Units List. The middle part of will have action sections such as Mail Merge, Block Accounts and Maintenance.  The bottom part will consist of the default set of sections which used to be tabs hidden under the '3 dots' tab. They are Checklists(new), Messages, Tasks, Files, Notes and Logs. Characteristic for the bottom section is a dynamic notification indicating a number of items in that section.




Some more composite sections like Block Accounts are in addition expandable:

The Settings menu is working the same as it used to. The only changes there are related to the organization of the submenu:

1. The sections Users and Agents and Suppliers are now both under the heading Agency/Branch Contacts

2. All templates are now grouped under one section called Templates. There is one new subsection called Checklist Templates and Mail Merge. Templates have been moved from Block level to Settings:

3. There are two new options in Settings called Duplicated Items and Bulk Delete. The first one checks your portfolio for duplicates and the second allows you to delete multiple items in one go

4. New Branch option is now in the creation centre.

We also updated top panel which is now showing in the top left corner hierarchy of your current page and in the bottom right it keeps the breadcrumbs.


All icons on your right-hand side icons keep their functionality but now are opening on your right-hand side.