Below you can find a list of essential definitions or terms appearing across Resident.
Term | Section | Explanation |
Agency | Configuration | This is the highest configuration level. Anything changed at the agency level will impact all your blocks. |
Arrears Due | Arrears | Opened arrears process when the waiting period is over and action should be taken. |
Arrears in Progress | Arrears | Opened arrears process with waiting period before follow up action should be taken. |
Arrears workflow | Configuration | In the section under Spanner/Agency you can create your own bespoke arrears workflow. You can set out the number of steps and assign a message and document template to each of them. |
Assessments | Block | To add any category to Assessments you need to open the category and change the type to Report if you want to use it only in Assessments or Report and Expense, if you still want to use it for a budget or suppliers invoice. |
Bank Reconciliation | Accounts | This option is available for Automatic and Online reconciliation. This feature allows you to link bank transactions with an invoice or convert them into credits or general ledger items. |
Black Book | Maintenance | This is a List of all suppliers available at the global level. |
Block | Block List | A group of properties which usually share the same address and are very often in one building |
Block Management Structure | Company | This option can be selected when creating a Company for a new block. It allows you to add details of the RTM, management company and freeholder, or any combination of those three. |
Branch | Configuration | This is the second level of configuration. This option allows you to split your blocks between, for example, two offices. |
Branch Finances | Global | This is a section in the left-hand side menu that allows you to access information from across your branch. It has global lists of Units Invoices, Supplier Invoices and Works Orders. The Reporting section holds global reports. There are also two accounting sections for Bank Account and Transactions which allow for separate reconciliation with only one bank account. |
Bulk Payment | Ownership | An option to record a manual payment on the Owner Statement and divide across outstanding invoices. Any unallocated portion of the amount will be converted into a credit. |
Categories | Configuration | The section in the Spanner menu where you can add, configure or disable your revenue and expense categories/nominal codes. |
Client | Client List | The entity assigned to the block. It should be person, company or institution which is a client of the agency. It can be, for example, a management company, freeholder or developer. |
Company | Block | The management company assigned to the block. If the company is registered with Companies House you can pull all the necessary information from there with the click of a button. |
Configuration Template | Configuration | The set of all Document Templates, Message Templates, Categories, Arrears Workflows and Roles assigned to a Client (and all blocks assigned to that client). |
Credit Note | Ownership | The credit that is showing only on the Owner's statement |
Director | Roles | A person set up as director of a management company or RTM. A director can access the system if sent an invitation. The role can be customised in terms of access rights but the default setting allows the director role to see the whole block apart from any notes and tasks and without any option for making changes. |
Document Template | Document Template | A Word document (the template) uploaded to the system which is used to generate a PDF version of the document. When templates are amended or edited the changes will immediately been seen on the document. Each PDF document you generate in Resident has its own template. |
Financial Period | Accounts | Your default period that you link budgets and invoices to. |
Follow RICS | Agency | After selecting this option, you cannot add an invoice or instruct a works order if the total of outstanding invoices, works orders and the invoice you are trying to add is greater than the amount on your bank account in Resident. This option is selected by default. |
Freeholder | Roles | The person or company set up as a Freeholder for the block. |
Import Bank Statement | Accounts | This option is available for Automatic and Online reconciliation. It allows you to import a CSV file downloaded from the bank to Resident. |
Invitation | User profile | This is the email which is sent to new users (e.g. leaseholders) with an invitation to join message and a link which allows a recipient to set up their online access to the system. |
Leaseholder | Roles | The person or company added to a current ownership. The person with this role can access the system if they have been sent an invitation. Access rights for this role can be customised. |
Limited reconciliation to bank accounts invoices | Agency | If you check this tick box in Spanner/Agency/Details you will only reconcile bank transactions against invoices with the same bank account selected. This option is selected by default. |
Log | Global | The Log tab can be found in most sections of Resident. Log records any changes made to that section. |
Mail Merge | Block | This facility allows you to create customised pdf letters using a Word document template. |
Mail Merge Extract | Contacts | This allows you to export details of all contacts into one spreadsheet. It is available under Block/Contacts/More actions. |
Mail Merge Template | Configuration | This section keeps a record of all the document and message templates you can use in your mail merge. |
Manual reconciliation | Accounts | An option available for Manual reconciliation. This allows you to tick all correctly inputted transactions. Choosing this option probably means the bank statement you are working from is not in Resident, i.e. it is a hard copy statement. |
Message System | Global | This is the email messaging system in Resident. You can set up any user with an email address. Please be aware that all messages are branded with your logo and name, but the message itself coming from If the recipient replies to an email from the Message System they will get a notification to contact you directly. |
Message Template | Configuration | Message Templates allow you to change the wording, formatting or attachments sent by email. |
Opening Balance | Ownership | The Credit or Debit that shows only on the Owner's statement |
Ownership | Unit | The period of time that leaseholder/s own the property. There can be only one current period. |
Parent Category | Category | This is the name of group that contains subcategories of the same type e.g. Maintenance is a Parent category and under that parent category we have Cleaning and General Repairs, which we can add to our budget. |
Payment on Account | Ownership | The credit on an Owner's statement which also appears on the bank account. This can be linked to a bank transaction or entered manually. |
Reconciliation Type | Accounts | This is the method of reconciliation you choose to use on your bank account in Resident. Manual only allows a manual entry. Online and Automatic allow for uploading bank transactions and linking them to invoices or leaseholder's accounts. |
Refund | Ownership | A debit on an Owner's statement which also appears on the bank account. This can be linked to a bank transaction or entered manually |
Roles | Configuration | The section in Spanner/Branch or Client menu that allows you to configure the access level for different type of users e.g. director, leaseholder or agent. |
Schedule | Accounts | The schedule shows the percentage apportionment of charges for each property and the categories to which it applies. You use schedules when creating a budget or raising invoice groups |
Sub Category | Category | This is a category which can be added to the budget, ledger item or invoice. |
Supplier | Configuration | Anyone who sends you an invoice(s) for a service provided to the block/property. The supplier can also be the Agency itself as a provider of block management services. |
Task | Global | This is a reminder that you can add to most sections of Resident. You will be reminded via a notification email on the chosen date/s. It allows you to add a title, description, attachment and multiple notifications. |
Undelete items | Agency | Available in Spanner/Agency, this setting allows you to restore any deleted item. |
Unit | Block | This is the individual property owned by the leaseholder. The number of units also determines your Resident subscription. |
Unit type | Unit | In the drop-down menu in Unit Details you can assign a Unit Type, such as Flat/Apartment, House, Commercial and Garage. This is only for information purpose. |
Workflow Status | Maintenance | This tab in Works Order allows you to retract any committed step. It is divided into two independent processes: Approval and Work. Please check Works Order article for more info. |
Works Order | Block | This facility is used to register and manage any jobs carried out on the block. It allows you to register quotes, add approval and create work orders. |