How to view and generate statements and raise invoices relating to the Unit and its owners
Unit statements
When you're on the main Units list screen, clicking on the Action icon to the right of each unit name allows you to view each Unit in more detail, and takes you through to a screen with different tab options.
In tab called Statement you can see details of all transactions and invoices recorded against that owner. Top drop down list allows you to switch between current and previous ownership and on your right you can also filter it by category.
You can also in the Statement tab perform following actions:
1. Raise supplementary invoice for that property.
2. Manually allocate payment to multiple invoices using 'Bulk Payment' button.
3. More action offers you various options to record arrears and credits. Please remember Payment on Account and Refund will not only appear on leaseholder statement but also on chosen bank account.
Below you can find short overview of each one of options available in More Actions.
- Add Payment on Account - creates a credit transactions on leaseholder account and your bank account. You can allocate this credit later to an invoice and also reconcile against a bank transaction using Bank Reconciliation option in Accounts/Transactions. Example below would create £100 credit on leaseholder account and Bank account1
- Opening Balance - creates a credit (if you put negative figure) or an arrears record (in case of positive figure). Arrears can be reconciled in the same way as invoices. Credits will stay visible only on the leaseholder's account and you can allocate them to any invoice with the same account. Example below would create £100 credit.
- Credit Note - creates a credit which will be added to a credit pool on leaseholder account. Example below would create £100 credit.
- Refund - creates a debit record on the leaseholder and the bank account statement. Refund can be reconciled later against a bank transaction. Example below would create £100 debit record on a leaseholder's statement and a record on a bank account.
4. You can also download or email statement for period of your choice.
After clicking on any of those icons you will get pop up with period selection.