Recording a Leaseholder balance as paid
There are two ways to mark a negative opening balance as paid. These will depend on how you have chosen to reconcile your accounts within Resident. the options are:
- Via manual Input
- Via the reconciliation page
Before you begin: Payments/credits can only be assigned to an opening balance provided they share the same category and are linked to the same bank account. If you are having any issues adding the credit/payment please check these two details and they will likely be the culprit.
Method 1: Via Manual Input
Manually recording a payment/credit to an opening balance needs to be completed via the invoicing page. An opening balance will only show as a pop-up on the Leaseholder statement as it is not a demand that needs to be sent out. Payments can only be added by navigating to 'Block' > 'Invoices' and clicking on the 'Supplementary Invoices' tab. Once on this tab you will be able to see your outstanding opening balance.
Here you can access the opening balance with the eye button. Once open you will be able to either add a payment with the orange + button at the bottom or add existing credit by clicking 'Use Credit'.
After adding your payment/credit here you must complete one more action before you can update the balance. Since this balance now has a payment assigned it will be treated as a demand for the purpose of certain reports and so will need to have an invoice reference. you must move on to the 'Details' tab and add a reference then you may update the balance.
This is now complete!
Method 2 (for agencies using import/bank feed reconciliation): Via the reconciliation page
This method is very simple. The opening balance will appear on the reconciliation page under the 'Assign Invoice Payment' button without a reference as shown below. Reconcile this as you would an invoice and this will be complete.