This article presents only the changes introduced to the mail merge feature on 30th of July. If you are looking for the full mail merge manual please click here.
You can now add code to your mail merge template that will pull a custom paragraph. The paragraph can be added while creating a mail merge from that template.
First, and the most important thing you need to make sure of so this feature works, is adding the following code into your letter template:
<# <Content Select="./MailMergeCustomMessage" /> #>
You will need to add it wherever you want you the custom paragraph to appear. You can find an example template attached to this article. Feel free to modify it or use it as it is for your Ad hoc mail merge letters. All of the pictures you will see below were generated using that template.
1. Once you have the code above added to your template, select your template in the same way as before in the Block/Mail Merge section. Then click Create New Mail Merge
2. At the bottom of the next screen you will see a sliding bar which enables the custom paragraph section:
3. Then you can type your paragraph. You can also use dynamic tags which will pull information from Resident accordingly for each letter (green frame). You can either search for them or press Show All Tags to see the complete list (yellow frame). To add a tag, simply click on it and then paste into your paragraph (the same way as for message templates).
4. Then you can click Preview at the bottom to see your letter. The preview will show only the first 10 letters.
It is now showing the header and footer if those have been selected for the template (Orange frame)
Text which is on the template will always show as before (red frames)
The custom paragraph from point 3. will be showing in the place where the code <# <Content Select="./MailMergeCustomMessage" /> #> has been added (blue frame)
Tags used in the custom paragraph will be replaced with the information from Resident (green frame)
4 a. If you have amended the content of your custom paragraph you will have click Preview again to see the results.
5. Once you are happy with the Preview click Create or Create and Email to finalize the mail merge.