Raising A Supplier Invoice

We can find the supplier invoice menu in ‘Block’ > ‘Maintenance’ > ‘Supplier Invoices’.

We can see here all of the maintenance invoices for this block and which stages they are at. To record a new invoice we can click 'Add New Invoice'.

Now we can fill out the form as follows:

Invoice Reference: Reference used to identify invoice

Bank Account: Account the money will be paid from

Supplier: Clicking this drop-down box will give us a list of suppliers used for this block already. The black book will open a list of all suppliers available to choose from.

Invoice Date: Issue date of invoice

Invoice Description: Internal notes. These will not appear on the invoice.

Payment Due Date: Due date of invoice

Define Period: We may define a period here for reference

Invoice Items: We must click the orange plus sign here to add an item. We will be met with this window:

Here we will need to complete the following:

Description: Name given to item on invoice (e.g. Lift Repair).

Category: This will allow us to assign this item to an expense category for reporting.

Amount: This is the cost amount for the item and VAT percentage (please enter amount before VAT if you are adding VAT percentage and it will add automatically).

Type: Here we can choose to create this invoice as part of the schedule or to create it as an invoice related only to one unit. This will change whether this amount shows up in the budget vs expenditure report.

Schedule: This box will only appear if the 'Type' box has the Schedule Charge selected. If this is the case then we must select the schedule here.

Now we can selected 'Create' to add this item. We can add as many of these items as we like.

Attachments: Here we can attach any additional information. This is for internal records.

Recurrence: We can set up a recurrence with the recurrence icon on the top right.

This will bring up the following window. We can now fill this out with our preferred date or pattern and click 'Save'.

Now we can click 'Create' to create our invoice.

We can also find all invoices for a supplier by navigating to ‘Settings’ > ‘Agency Contacts’ > ‘Suppliers’ and clicking the view icon next to the supplier you choose. Now you can open the ‘invoices’ menu and access all invoices for that supplier.