Creating And Editing Message Templates
Message templates allow us to customise the emails we send out to clients. For example, if we are sending an invoice to a Leaseholder via email we can customise the subject and wording of the email containing the invoice. Message templates can be found by navigating to 'Settings' > 'Templates' > 'Message Templates'.
Here we can see the message template for service charge demands:
Here we can see what is required:
Name: Needs to be clear so that you can find this in the future. Try not to make this specific as it will most likely be something you will use site-wide.
Template Type: Although this is empty here (because this is a default template) this allows you to choose a specific role for this template.
Editable Tags: Here you can search for (or click ‘See All Tags’) to input into your message template. Click these tags once to copy them and then paste them wherever you need in the subject or content.
Subject & Content: This will make up the email content. Your agency signature will be automatically created using the detail taken from ‘Agency Settings’.
Attachments: Here you can see the options for attachments. Available attachments are based on the template type.