Creating A Supplementary Invoice/Demand
We can raise an individual invoice/demand by navigating to ‘Block’ > ‘Block Accounts’ > ‘Invoices’ and clicking 'Create Supplementary Invoice'.
Unit: Here we can choose the unit we would like this invoice to be assigned to.
Invoice Reference: This is for our own records. We can enter any reference we would like.
Cover Letter: Here we can enter the body for a cover letter if we have set up a cover letter template. See our template 'Cover Letter For Invoices' if you would like to set this up.
Owner(s): Here we can select whether the invoice is for the current owner or any previous owners.
Issue Date: This will be filled out automatically but can be changed.
Due Date: Here you can enter a due date to appear on the invoice.
Invoice Description: This description is internal. You can make notes here for other admins.
Category: Here you can choose the category this invoice is in relation to.
Bank Account: Please choose the bank account you are expecting the money to be paid into. This will affect reconciliation if you are using online or automatic.
Define Period: Here you can input a specific period if needed.
Items: Here you can add the invoice amounts and other details. See below:
When adding an item you must fill out the following:
Description: This will appear as the description on the invoice
Type: This will determine whether the invoice is against the unit or service charge
Amount: Please input the amount before VAT (if you want to show VAT separately)
VAT: If you would like VAT shown please input the percentage
Schedule: This box only appears if the 'Type' selected is 'Schedule Charge'. Here you must select the schedule this invoice will go against
Another new feature is the recurrence. This can be accessed using the recurrence button on the top right of the page.
Clicking this icon will bring up the following window:
There are options for weekly and monthly but you can choose certain amounts of weeks/months too. For example, you can set an invoice to recur once every 3 months on the 1st of the month.
Once created this invoice will show in ‘Accounts’ > ‘Invoices’ under the ‘Supplementary Invoices’ tab as well as the unit statement for the relevant unit.
You can set recurrences historically but it may take up to an hour to appear and will create all invoices within the date range set.