Importing Units And Owners

There are two ways to add units to Resident:

  • Importing
  • Adding manually

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to import opening balances with your Owners you MUST add a bank account before you import. See Adding A Bank Account

We will find both methods by clicking ‘Block’ > ‘Unit list’. Importing units is the best way to add units but if we want to add just one unit then it can be done by simply clicking the ‘New Unit’ button here and filling out the details.

To import units, it is as simple as opening this page and clicking ‘More Actions’ > ‘Import Units & Owners’.

   Note: This will only work if you use the template given and do not change or delete any columns as the data is imported directly from these references.

Tip: If a Leaseholder is a Director or Shareholder then simply place the letter Y into the relevant blank cell to indicate this. 

This will take us to a page with two tabs:

The first tab allows us to upload a spreadsheet of all units and owner details. The ‘Usage Instructions’ tab gives us a download button for the template. We must download the template and fill out the columns. You can find a completed example with detailed instructions on how to this it attached to this article. Once we have filled out the template spreadsheet we must save it to our computers.

Once we upload the file we will be given a preview of the upload and we can make any amendments needed.

Once we are happy we simply click 'Import' to begin uploading the units and owners. Once this has completed we can navigate to 'Block' > 'Unit List' to see our list of units and owners.