Resident now gives you the option to extract Supplier payments which have been registered in the system, and to save them as CSV files which you can then upload to your bank.
You can customise the layout of this file as it will be blank by default. It will normally have at least block, beneficiary accounts and transaction descriptions. In this article will use a case study to show you how to generate such file for 5 paid invoices to 2 suppliers.
First, we will register Payments against Invoices. This can be done either from Branch Finance/Suppliers Invoices or under Block/Maintenance/Invoices. Doing it on Branch Finances has the advantage of being configuarable for multiple blocks from one list.
Below there is a list of 5 approved Invoices which can be paid.
Now we need to register payment on each of them using pay icon on the right.
Once that button is pressed the popup allows you to add your payment details. Most of the fields are initially auto-completed with details from the Invoices.
Now, let us move to the BACS Extract section to generate our CSV file. The main list on the screen will show us previous files (batches/payments runs).
First, we need to search all bank accounts for payments we have just made. A list of them appears on the popup after clicking the button 'Create New Extract'.
We can either search across all Accounts or select only some of them e.g. if we want to do separate payment runs for separate blocks. After that, we just press 'Get Preview' at the bottom of the list to see all payments.
If we are happy with all visible details then we press the 'Create' button, which saves our work and changes to 'Download'
Now we can download our file.
As you can see we have one template ready for HSBC but we will create a brand new one for Metro Bank. According to Metro Bank requirements, we need the following information:
1. Sort Code
2. Beneficiary Name
3. Account Number
4. Amount
5. Reference
6. BACS Code (99 for BACS payments)
After pressing 'Create new Template' button we will be given a list of all types of information which we can put into columns on our file. The only thing we need to do is to tick what's required and then set the correct order.
Now there are two templates so we can generate two versions of the same file.
The final job is to select our Template and generate our file. You can find the file generated for this exercise in the attachment.