This article will explain how to create a checklist template which can then be used in different parts of Resident. If you would like to know what Checklists are and how to use them, please click this link.

All templates are kept in Settings/Templates on the left-hand side menu.

The main page will show you the list of all existing templates and their types. 

Let us start by creating a new template. In the example below,we will create the template for a Checklist for property information whichcould be added later on the Block section with leaseholders having access toit. 

Our checklists will have following parts:

- Property information

- The door entry code

- The property manager and contact details

- Next AGM Meeting

- Property documents


To start this process simply click the button 'Create NewChecklist Template'.

1. Resident will take you to a screen on which you can add aCustom ID, template name and template type. 

You can select from 3 Template types:


They are there to allow you to group your templates. Templateswith any of those types will be accessible form Estate, Block or Unit level.



2. The next step is to create a Section of our Checklist. Youcan have as many Sections as you need or you can just create one. In our case,we will create two. The first one for General Information and the second forProperty Documents.

The Section needs to have a Section title and a Section ordinal(it enforces position on the list). The Section description is an optionalfield.


3. Now as the new Section is in place we will start adding'subsections' which are called 'Questions' in Resident. The mandatory fieldsfor Questions are Question title, Question order and Question type. TheQuestion category is optional. There are 6 types of Questions: Text, SingleChoice, Number Currency, Date, Boolean. Each type will be illustrated belowwith an example. Under every question, you can also select if the question isRequired, has Attachments, can have Tasks and Notes. Any of those are optional.

a) Text. This type will generate a text field under that question. It is the best option for any custom information so in our case, it should work great for Property information as they will be unique for each property.b) Number. This question will only accept an answer in a numberformat. This one can work great for things like Door entry code.

 c) Single Choice. This type of question allows you topre-configure a set of answers from which you will later have to select one.You can add any number of options. Insert the Option name and Option Value. TheOption Icon allows you to select from the preconfigured set of icons. We willuse this question to select a property manager and their contact details.

d) Date. This question will only accept an answer in the dateformat. This can work great for things like AGM Meetings.

This question will only accept an answer in the number format.This can work great for things like Door entry codes.

 e) Tick box. This will generate a tick box for you under the question title.

Once you have finished with adding all Sections and Questionsyou just press 'Create' button and your template will be added to the list oftemplates.