This article explains how to use the Bulk Credit facility which allows you to create multiple Credit Notes for each units using the apportionment from a schedule.

Credit Notes created this way only appear on leaseholder statements.  It is a great way to distribute a surplus from a previous year's over-budgeted expenditure, or any other amount which has been charged to leaseholders e.g. for major works.

You can find the Bulk Credit option by opening a block and navigating to 'Block' > 'Block Accounts' > 'Bulk Credits'.

After selecting Bulk Credit you will see a list of existing bulk credits and a list of bulk credits in draft status.

You create a Bulk Credit in the same way that you create an Invoice Group. The only thing you will need to do this is at least one Schedule. 

To start simply press New Bulk Credit and you will be taken to the bulk credit creation screen.

In our example above we have 3 schedules called 'Castle Services', 'Dragon Costs' and 'Garrison', which have been used for last year's budget. In this example, as you have probably already realised, we are trying to distribute a surplus from the 2017 budget for castle maintenance. Each of those schedules has different apportionments and from the Budget vs Expenditures report (available in Reporting) we know that in 2017 we overcharged our knights by £250, £100 and £120 accordingly. So we will add all those amounts to correct the schedules. When we press Create, a draft of Bulk Credit is created.


- Please remember that the category you select will affect a range of invoices you will be able to apply it to.  For e.g., Bulk Credit for service charge will not be applicable against Ground Rent invoices and also will be excluded from calculating the arrears balance.

Before generating this Bulk Credit you can revise the amounts using the Individual Credits tab.

If you are happy with all the details simply press the Generate option which you can find in More Actions.

In the event that there is a mistake, you can always go back to the list of Bulk Credits in Accounts and put any of them back into draft status by using the Back to Draft option.  This is available in More Actions of any generated one.