This very short article will guide you through the quick process of setting up Bank Feeds

Resident Bank Feeds give you the option to synchronise accounts that you have added to Resident with your actual bank accounts daily. 

Once you purchase Bank Feeds, the set up can then be divided into 2 stages. First, we need to establish a link with a Bank. After that, we match the Accounts. 

Before continuing, please ensure any bank account you wish to use bank feeds with is set up to do so. You will find this option by opening your account ('Block' > 'Block Accounts' > 'Bank Accounts' and open your account OR 'Branch Finance' > 'Bank Accounts' of you are using a global account) and selecting 'Advanced - Bank Feeds' in the 'Reconciliation Type' box then clicking 'Update'

The first process establishes a connection between Resident and the bank using SafeConnect(Yapily). This can be set up by navigating to 'Settings' > 'Bank Feeds' > 'List of Bank Feeds' then clicking 'More Actions' > 'SafeConnect(Yapily)'.

Then select the required bank provider using the drop down.

Once the bank has been selected, SafeConnect will provide information that needs to be read and confirmed if happy to proceed. 

You will then be taken to your bank login page. Here, you must log in and then you will be able to select the accounts you wish to link. Once selected you will be taken back to Resident.

The accounts should link those consented automatically provided the account number recorded on the Resident bank account matches that of those real accounts that have been consented. 

If there are some accounts that do not automatically link it will be a case of navigating to 'Settings' > 'Bank Feeds' > 'List of Accounts to Link' and simply clicking the small tick box next to each virtual account and selecting the real account you wish it to be linked to. Once these are all linked, the accounts will be pulled tomorrow morning before the start of your day.