This article will give you overview of the Owners tab and some tips on how to use its potential
Each individual property can be accessed by going to Block/Units and clicking the Action button on your right.
Having accessed the property, the Owners tab is the second tab along.
Below you will find a description of each facility.
1. The Ownership drop down menu allows you to switch between the current and any historical Ownerships.
2. The main section of that page shows you details/preview of the current Ownership period and any Owners assigned to it. In this example, we see the current ownership period commencing 25th June 2017. There are two Owners assigned to it; Ms Sam Management and Mr Master Resident. The second Owner is the Primary contact for this property which means all documents for this property (e.g. invoice, statement) will use his address for correspondence. He has also set up his Account with Resident and can login to the Leaseholder Portal where for example he can download Invoices. If you wishto invite Ms Management to use the Leaseholder Portal you can send her an Invitation from this screen using the little envelope next to the email address.
3. Going left to right, Colour coded buttons at the bottom of each Owner's title are responsible for Creating a Message to the Owner, editing their details, removing them from Ownership (this does not delete the record of the person from the system, just from the property), and making an Owner the primary Contact.
4. If you want to add another person just click on the Add Owner tile on your right. This will take you to a screen where you can add new Owner by typing in any details or by selecting an existing person.
5. The Edit Ownership button in the top right corner allows you to adjust the Ownership period but you can also add any information about Direct Debit payments and set up recurring Ground Rent Invoices. If you ever have to change the Ownership of a property you start there by selecting the end date to the current Ownership. Tenancy Type will be always fixed for Ownership and you can also select a Custom Id for each period if necessary.
a) Uses Standing Order/Direct Debit is currently for information purposes only. In future this will also be linked to any Direct Debits set up by Leaseholders using GoCardless. After you complete the details you will see this information in the Owners tab. You can set up multiple installment payments linked to different Revenue Categories and Bank Accounts.
b) The Has Ground Rent option allows you to set up recurring Ground Rent Invoices for that Ownership. The benefit of this solution is that you only have to do it once and also you can do it for the exact amount. In the example below the system will be raising an Invoice for £250 every quarter, 5 days before the due date (Rent Issue Date Offset). Each Invoice will be linked to Estate Account 1 for Reconciliation and will use the Ground Rent Invoice Template. No Invoice will be automatically emailed because the box is unticked.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be mindful that if you put the Rent Start date in the past, then the System will generate all Invoices which were due to be raised up to today's date. In our example below, we would generate 8 Invoices to start with.
6. At the bottom of this page, there is an Add New Ownership Button which will be greyed out until you put an End Date on the current Ownership. Please note you cannot have two 'current' Ownerships at the same time.